Oh, so much has been going on in the last several days. Our best friend for like a million years came up from Austin to visit us this last weekend. We took him to oodles of touristy places like Sears Tower, Shedd Aquarium, Art Institute, Field Museum, and the Navy Pier. He loved it, but he did admit it was a bit chilly for his liking (it was in the 50s and WINDY!) We gorged on Chicago-style pizza and italian beef sandwiches and hung out at the Irish Pub in downtown Downers Grove. Pics will have to wait b/c of the next craptacular event....the rainstorm from hell.
Last night, from 9:30 to 6:30 this morning we were without power b/c of a killer rainstorm. Due to the power outage, the pumps in our basement that prevent it from flooding were not working. This morning we found our basement in 6 inches of water. John's childhood mementoes were destroyed in this flood. Apparently, the layout of our (rented) property is such that when it floods, the water is siphoned into the basement INTENTIONALLY and then pumped back out into what we have now learned is our neighbor's basement. When the electricity goes out, so does the pump. Shittiness all around I tell ya. Our landlord came by this morning and helped John get the rest of the water out and installed some fans to dry it out. Anyhoo, b/c the power was wonky, John's computer is off, which means I can't access our album's website for photos.
In other news, I've been working on Christmas knitting and developing my own pattern for a top designed to wear over a longer sleeved shirt. I'm making it with this adorable lilac paper yarn that an old SNB bud gave me a year ago. We'll see how it goes. I have finished a pair of socks that will have an owner this Xmas; I just don't want to reveal who that person is b/c she reads this blog.
I also wanted to say a big Thank You to those who have been amused by the cartoon. I have so much fun drawing them up, and I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets a giggle out of my warped sense of humor. I've decided to do them twice a week - one knitting and one non-knitting for my sister who loves my drawing but doesn't knit. Jen, hope you dig 'em cuz they're all for you, babe.