Monday, May 28, 2007

It was money, baby!

Got back from TX last night, and man alive, am I tired. There was much booze, much fam love, much friends, much yummy food. Here are the highlights.
Steph, my little baby sister, graduated high school. I got a little weepy. Yeah, I'll admit it. It wasn't until the end when the grads gave their parents roses that the waterworks began. Here we are...the 3 Tucker girls.

It was a fabulously relaxing weekend. I did a little knitting, a whole lot of lounging, and even more partying. A friend from high school threw a huge toga blowout for me and Kelly, since we hadn't all been together in more than 5 years. It's funny how when you're 21, all you talk about is college and the last party you went to. In your late 20s, however, you mostly just talk about your kids. It was sweet and crazy and Kelly surprised me by bringing over a great friend of ours from back in our partying days. Good ole' "while you're down there" Brian. Yeah, there's a story behind the name. And you probably don't wanna hear it. A few gems from that evening. It's togarrific.

But if you didn't know already, the absolute highlight of my trip was my awesome meeting of the talented yumminess that is Vince Vaughn. Gaze upon this eye candy whilst you read the story.

I was wandering through DFW on my way back to Chicago when I had a hankering for some Reese's Pieces. So I shimmied over to a little shop, and there was this massive dude standing right in the doorway with his back to me. So I scooted by him with a very polite "Excuse me" and when he stepped aside, it was Mr. Dreamboat himself. I almost swooned. I blinked in my "I just saw a celebrity" dorkiness, and when he caught me, I just smiled and said "Hi" in a much cooler voice than I thought was going to leap outta my mouth. He actually said "Hi" back like any 2 strangers would. I felt ultra mega multi cool that I didnt' geek out and try to be all "I am such a huge fan. Could you maybe, um, marry me a little?" A couple of other goons did it, and he was super sweet and signed autographs, but it was obvious he was really tired.
So, that was my trip. This week I move. Next week, I rule the world.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Need a lipgloss boost in your America

Finito babydolls - Puff Sleeved Cardigan from "Fitted Knits"
Obvious mod - instead of the kinda tricky lace at the bottom, I did a lattice stitch. Mucho likey this stitch.
Yarn used - Lion Brand Microspun in lavender. It took me forever to finish this b/c Michael's took forever to get more of this color. I chose it b/c I had 3 skeins of it and am truly attempting to destash. It took me a little less than 5 total.

In other news. We close on house in 2 days. In 3 days, I'm off to TX for some fam bonding and partying with old friends. Yay! I hear there is to be togas and booze - a frightening combination. Kel asked me if I was going to go nudely under my toga. I think not, my dear friend. If that sheet loosens too much, that's a nip slip that would not likely make folk giddy.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I am a MILF don't you forget


We close on our new house in exactly one week. I'm still working on the puff sleeved cardigan. I bought some new shoes. Here they are.

My oldest and dearest friend is a smitten kitten. My baby sis graduates high school in about 10 days. Our mouse in our house who's becoming a louse (who I refuse to kill) has become so bold now that she hangs out with me on the couch while I'm knitting. We've tried all of the humane things we can think of and none of them work, so I'm thinking she's just supposed to live here. She likes Kix.
Not much else going on. I have book club tonight. I inhaled "The Other Boleyn Girl" like crack. It was beautifully written and made me even more thankful that I was not born in a time when women did as they were told and lived miserable lives. Also bought the new Tori Amos album. It is simply brilliant. The best since "Scarlet's Walk." If you love you some Tori, pick it up. You will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

If you don't wanna be down with me, then you don't wanna be from my apple tree

Behold my highly modified coquette lace tube top from Stefanie Japel's "Fitted Knits."
Yarn - 4 skeins of Elann's Sonata in rosetta
Mods - Well, first off, I put on straps b/c I have too much boobage for a tube top. Then I added 3 repeats of the lace pattern and omitted the ribbing entirely. Instead I added a chunky hem to add a little length. I also threaded some i-cord through the lace on the ribbing b/c it was a little baggy at the top.
Verdict - I adore this top. I can't wait to wear it in public. It's finally starting to get a little hot here, so I'll likely wear this often.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Sure, I can be coquette

I started this adorable little number this week whilst I wait for Michael's to stock up their microspun. This is a quick, easy fun knit...much like all of Stefanie Japel's other patterns. I'm using Elann's Sonata in rosetta; I got this in a trade with a chickie from knitty. I'm digging this yarn. It's typical cotton in its kinda difficult to knit with craptacularness, but it's so pretty I can forgive it. And I've washed a swatch to the point of groovy softness. That's what is not too terrible about cotton; the more you wash it, the more tolerable it becomes.